Thursday, October 9, 2014

Interpersonal Skills Class Trunk or Treat

Interpersonal Skills Trunk or Treat

Something I think we did well was our shots, we had a lot of variety of shots in this package. We used the six shot system pretty well and it will teach me to continue to use it. We had a good interview, our character wanted to be a character so it ended up really well. Mrs. Reiter had lots of good answers.

Something we did not do well was the interview with Audrey Ash,she had a good answer, but we were not using a tripod so it looked really shaky. We definitely should have used a tripod for B-Roll because some of our shots for it are shaky. Our microphone also was not working correctly so our interviews with the students did not sound as good as they could've.

Overall, I think this package was a success and very informational.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Indi Cowie

Which was your favorite version?
I personally liked the web #2 story better. I liked it better because it wasn't too long or too short, the first one was too short in my opinion. It left us with a lot of unanswered questions. The second one was very informational and showed some of her home life and that always gets the viewers interested.

Discuss 3 elements the videos have in common.
Both of the videos talk about Indi Cowie and how she became interested. They both have an interview with just Indi. They both showcase Indi preforming the same kind of tricks.

Discuss 3 elements that are different about the two videos.
I think there are more differences than similarities. The second one goes way into her personal life and interviews her parents and shows her little sister while the first one doesn't. The first one is much shorter than the second. The second one films inside of her house while the first one is filmed in some place showcasing her skills.

What is the difference between web videos and TV?
The difference is web videos are not live. TV is always more up to date than online.

What elements can you emulate in your own work?
I can learn to use 2 cameras for interviews. I can learn to get all kinds of different shots, and use ones that are not used as much, like the birds eye view and the worms eye view. Both of those were used in the second film (web #2) I watched.

Friday, October 3, 2014

21 Questions

Brody Wasell (junior)

1. Where are you from? Seattle, Washington
2. Why do you like Olathe Northwest? Everyone's friendly and welcoming
3. Why did you move here? To play hockey
4. How long have you been playing hockey? 13 years (3 years old)
5. What made you get involved? Runs in the family
6. Where all have you lived to play hockey? Seattle, Texas, Canada and Kansas
7. Who inspires you most? His older brother
8. Who have you met that has inspired you alone the way? Definitely his teammates
9. What is the biggest struggle you've had? Moving away from new friends so much
10. What do you hope to accomplish? Definitely hopes to play in college and see where it takes him
11. What have you learned from hockey? From moving so much he's learned to appreciate everything
12. What advice do you have for aspiring hockey players? Make the commitment if you want to play
13. What is your biggest hopes and dreams for hockey? To play pro

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homecoming Proposals ONWNOW package

The scope of this project was more of a fun package more than serious. I picked this package because i've always thought it's interesting to see different ways of how people get asked.

The first thing I did was we put on the ONW NOW show a week before to tweet your homecoming proposal pictures to #ONWHC so that we would have all of the pictures to use. We put all the pictures into final cut pro and we picked the best ones to use people to interview. We put all the pictures together and put the peoples interviews over their picture so it was like a slideshow.

I learned that it was harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought it would be super easy because it was just putting pictures together but you had to time it so they weren't too long and too short. I had to time the music so when it was quieter the interviews would go.

Something I would do differently is put more time into my interviews. The set up was really rushed so they ended up being not that great and looked bad. I had the microphone hooked up but the audio also could have been better and louder.

The thing I'll use again is I'll know how to make background music quieter in certain spots so that you can hear interviews. I think overall my project was not terrible, there are some things I could have done better but like I said, overall it was a good project.