Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fall Semester Final 2015

Fall Semester Final Reflection 2015
Kami Gibson

I have been in the e-communication program since my freshman year and it is coming to a close. I can proudly say that I did a lot this semester and was very successful compared to my junior year. Usually what I do in class is I either go film B-roll or edit my packages or post on blogs or watch other news packages to learn from. I did a total of five packages that went on air this year.

My first package was a story over the two foreign exchange students we had this year, Sophia Giullaneli and Cat Standal. is a link to it. I did this package because it was early on in the year and the two girls were brand new and not many people knew who they were so I wanted to help introduce them to everybody. It took me about two weeks to finish the final product. It took a little less than a week to get all of the footage and interviews. It took that long because I had to redo Sophia's interview because in the first one the audio did not come through. It took probably three days to edit the footage and interviews and put it all together for the final product. The outcome of the project was that more people knew who Sophia and Cat were and I helped them branch out and not be as shy. I re learned a lot of the basic things again because it was my first project back from summer so I was kindo f rusty, I also learned a lot about Italy and Norway.

My second package was a story/ meet and greet with senior guitar player, Logan Cantino is a link to it. It was my first episode of a new segment Mr. Allam came up with, "ONW Sessions" which was where I sat down with an interesting student from Olathe Northwest and interviewed them and they preformed for us. I did this package because I have always liked interviewing more than filming B-roll, and I also like being on camera so this worked out for both of those, and it was also a new thing for Olathe Northwest students to watch. This episode did not take as long as a normal package because you were pretty much only editing an interview. So it probably took about a week altogether, with planning, getting everything set up, filming and editing it. The outcome was a new segment for ONW NOW. I learned a lot about editing an interview, things like how to match up audio and visual. I also learned about an interesting person from my school.

My third package was a story/ meet and greet with senior artist, Cole Daniel. is a link to the story. It was my second episode of ONW Sessions, that I had originally planned to do once every week, or every other week. It was still very awkward much like the first episode, but that was something I could learn from. It was a story about a senior who was passionate for art and wanted to show off what he could do. This story took about the same length that the first ONW Sessions took, which was about a week including planning, setting up a time to do it, actually doing it, and editing it. The outcome was a follow up to the first ONW Sessions, something that people enjoyed watching. I learned about Cole's passion for art. I also  learned a lot about how to fix the awkwardness in the interview. I got a lot of feed back about how to not be so awkward.

My fourth package was a story/ meet and greet with junior singer, Kit Walters. is a link to it. It was my third episode of ONW Sessions. This one never actually aired on the show ONW NOW, but I feel like this was some of my best work. It was a story introducing junior Kit Walters who had a great singing voice. It was also promoting the fall musical "Legally Blonde" because she had a lead part in it and I thought it would be good to promote that, too. This story took me the longest because I found out about Kit on a Friday so we planned to do it that next week on Thursday. We filmed it, then I had surgery so I was out of school for a week, so when I got back there was a lot for me to do. It took about almost a week to edit it and finish it. The outcome of the package was another kind of story meeting an Olathe Northwest student. I learned about how to edit an interview that had multiple cameras, and how to edit different levels of audio.

My fifth package was a story/ commercial for Toys for Tots. is a link to it. This a story that was promoting the toy drive Olathe Northwest held, to encourage kids to donate new toys to kids in need this Christmas season. I found an idea of what to do on YouTube and re made it. I made this story originally just for my peer mentoring class because my teacher knows I am in e-communication and knew I could produce something she wanted. I filmed it on my iPad because I didn't know it was going to go on the show. This story did not take very long at all because I filmed it all in fourth hour, which is peer mentoring. I continued to edit it the next day in e-comm class, so altogether it probably took about three days to complete. The outcome was pretty good because students brought toys to donate to help children in need. I learned about poverty in Kansas and the nation while I filmed this and researched statistics for it. I also learned that filming with an iPad is not the best  idea.

My areas of strength include good communication skills and I am not afraid to talk to anyone. I think these areas help me because it is easy for me to meet new people and branch out to anyone I need to work with. It really helped me this year because some people can be kind of shy. I think me being not as shy it helps people come out of their shell.

My areas that need improvement are things like time management and actually using class time wisely. Sometimes I did use class time the way it should be used, but honestly most times I used it to goof off and not do what I was supposed to be doing. I think things I could've done to help me improve my weaknesses was to be more motivated and want to do more things for the class instead of having such a negative attitude.

My action plan for next semester is sadly a non existent thing because I will not be in the e-communication program any more starting next semester. I think it will benefit me more because I do not plan on doing journalism or video in my life after college. I will also have more time to do homework and focus on my other classes, and getting my GPA up. I could also spend time to apply for scholarships and do other things along those lines for college.

I do believe that in my three and a half years of being in the e-communication program taught me a lot about myself as a person. I went to the eighth grade career fair at Johnson County Community College to promote the program. That involved a lot of public speaking, which is something I believe I am pretty good at. It helped me learn to talk to anyone, and talk slowly enough for people to understand me. The program altogether taught me how to be in front of a camera and branch out to anyone new and or scary.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015