Thursday, September 11, 2014

MaryAnn Traxler American Idol

What went well and what you'd do differently?

Something that went well was our interview, I think we had really good questions, and MaryAnn had really good answers. The clips from when she was younger were good for our story in my opinion.

Something I would do differently is I would try to get more b-roll, we only had two days to do it so we had to use what we had. I would have made sure the audio was loud enough so we wouldn't have to copy it before we interviewed.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Reflection on package

What went well? What did you learn? What could you do different next time?

Something that went well with my package was that the class was eager to be interviewed and filmed. Our main subject, Rachida, was very open with her answers so we were able to get a lot out of her and were able to have valuable information for our package.

Something I learned was a lot about Algeria, where Rachida is from. We learned things like how the schooling there was. We even learned some things about Morocco because of her friend we interviewed. We learned about some different kinds of foods that are from Algeria.

Something I can do differently for next time is plan out what b-roll to get. This time we only had an idea of what b-roll to get so we kind of just winged it so it didn't go very well. Since we didn't have all the b-roll we had to go and reshoot a lot. I would check to make sure the audio is working because our first interview had to be redone because we couldn't hear Rachida.