Friday, October 3, 2014

21 Questions

Brody Wasell (junior)

1. Where are you from? Seattle, Washington
2. Why do you like Olathe Northwest? Everyone's friendly and welcoming
3. Why did you move here? To play hockey
4. How long have you been playing hockey? 13 years (3 years old)
5. What made you get involved? Runs in the family
6. Where all have you lived to play hockey? Seattle, Texas, Canada and Kansas
7. Who inspires you most? His older brother
8. Who have you met that has inspired you alone the way? Definitely his teammates
9. What is the biggest struggle you've had? Moving away from new friends so much
10. What do you hope to accomplish? Definitely hopes to play in college and see where it takes him
11. What have you learned from hockey? From moving so much he's learned to appreciate everything
12. What advice do you have for aspiring hockey players? Make the commitment if you want to play
13. What is your biggest hopes and dreams for hockey? To play pro

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