Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homecoming Proposals ONWNOW package

The scope of this project was more of a fun package more than serious. I picked this package because i've always thought it's interesting to see different ways of how people get asked.

The first thing I did was we put on the ONW NOW show a week before to tweet your homecoming proposal pictures to #ONWHC so that we would have all of the pictures to use. We put all the pictures into final cut pro and we picked the best ones to use people to interview. We put all the pictures together and put the peoples interviews over their picture so it was like a slideshow.

I learned that it was harder than I thought it was going to be. I thought it would be super easy because it was just putting pictures together but you had to time it so they weren't too long and too short. I had to time the music so when it was quieter the interviews would go.

Something I would do differently is put more time into my interviews. The set up was really rushed so they ended up being not that great and looked bad. I had the microphone hooked up but the audio also could have been better and louder.

The thing I'll use again is I'll know how to make background music quieter in certain spots so that you can hear interviews. I think overall my project was not terrible, there are some things I could have done better but like I said, overall it was a good project.


  1. I really liked this package, i throughout it was a fun twist on the normal ONW NOW kinda feel. i liked the song choice and how you got the whole student body involved.

    I liked the interview where you used two people i think thats cool and we should do it more often. the only think i would change is, i would get more and different B roll.

    you go girl.

    Haylee Kramer

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  3. This was a super creative package. Every girl wants to be surprised when asked to Homecoming and showing how elaborate the way guys ask is a super creative angle. You had a variety of Homecoming proposals which was good it added an element to the package by being able to see all the ways girls get asked to Homecoming. With the variety of Homecoming pictures there wasn't really shots to be filmed, even without the shots you still made the package interesting.

    The people you interviewed were great but the location and set up of the interview could be worked on a bit. Make sure your interviewee is set up in the rule of thirds style, predominantly off to one side. I would also find a better BACKGROUND the lockers are kind of boring, maybe you could of found a Homecoming poster and put them in front of that!

    Overall your package was super fun to watch and I thought you did a great job.
    Elena Gray
