Monday, November 17, 2014

Ryan Devers feature story

I really enjoyed this package for many reasons. I had seen Ryan Devers doing magic tricks at lunch during my sophomore year, and then when talking to my counselor about story ideas she told me that he also is training to be a third degree black belt in taekwondoe. Ryan was excited to be a character for our story so he had really good answers to our questions for him. Something we did well was we went to his taekwandoe studio to get B-roll. We had plenty of shots of him kicking things over and breaking things so when we had jump cuts or something like that we did not have any troubles finding anything to cover things up. His studio was super welcoming for me and Isabel to come film so it made it easy to get B-roll. We also used the two camera interview while interviewing him preforming magic tricks so we would have a variety of shots. It was hard to find the right kind of shots of him doing magic tricks because in some shots you could see the trick and how he was doing it so that was one of our few problems. But, overall we had a good character and a good story.

German exchange students

I feel that this project was some of my better work. This project was extremely fun and interesting to do. I tried a lot harder on this package because I found it interesting. Something I did well was I got a lot of B-roll. We had plenty of options to choose from when we needed it most. Our interview set up was also good. Something I would have changed was have more questions for the interview, although we had a lot of characters for our interviews, we only had about ten questions each. Most of the German students were not as fluent in English as we were hoping so some of their answers were not exactly what we were looking for. Our interview with Frau Watts was probably our best part. We had a lot of good answers from her and she basically narrated the story for us. We also did a good job getting it done in time. We needed to finish it in a week so that the Germans students could see it before they left. Overall, I feel as if this was one of my better projects.

Monday, November 3, 2014

6 Shot System

When filming a story or documentary, or filming anything at all, you should always remember to use the six shot system. The six shots include; extra wide, wide, medium, close up of hands, close up of face and over the shoulder.

Extra Wide
An extra wide shot is filmed with the camera on a tripod. Extra wide is used for landscape shots and maybe a shot of a bunch of people. An example could be a shot of the gym during a pep assembly. It is an establishing shot. Extra wide isn't used for much.

A wide shot is filmed with the camera on a tripod. It is used to film a shot of a person from their head to their toes. It is establishing your main character.

A medium shot is probably one of the most common shots used.  A medium shot is used during interviews. It is of the characters face from their chest up. You should use rule of thirds with this shot.

Close up of Hands
A close up of hands is used during filming b-roll. You can film this shot without a tripod. This close up of hands shot is used for switching shots; you wait for something interesting to happen with their hands to change shots

Close up of Face
A close up of face is used for b-roll. You can also film this shot without a tripod. You use this for filming an intense shot.

Over the Shoulder
An over the shoulder shot is used during b-roll. You use a tripod during this shot. This shot is good because when it's used it looks like it is from your characters point of view.