Monday, November 3, 2014

6 Shot System

When filming a story or documentary, or filming anything at all, you should always remember to use the six shot system. The six shots include; extra wide, wide, medium, close up of hands, close up of face and over the shoulder.

Extra Wide
An extra wide shot is filmed with the camera on a tripod. Extra wide is used for landscape shots and maybe a shot of a bunch of people. An example could be a shot of the gym during a pep assembly. It is an establishing shot. Extra wide isn't used for much.

A wide shot is filmed with the camera on a tripod. It is used to film a shot of a person from their head to their toes. It is establishing your main character.

A medium shot is probably one of the most common shots used.  A medium shot is used during interviews. It is of the characters face from their chest up. You should use rule of thirds with this shot.

Close up of Hands
A close up of hands is used during filming b-roll. You can film this shot without a tripod. This close up of hands shot is used for switching shots; you wait for something interesting to happen with their hands to change shots

Close up of Face
A close up of face is used for b-roll. You can also film this shot without a tripod. You use this for filming an intense shot.

Over the Shoulder
An over the shoulder shot is used during b-roll. You use a tripod during this shot. This shot is good because when it's used it looks like it is from your characters point of view.

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